Wednesday, May 9, 2007

turning the leaf.

Pops is learning Italian. Danyelle sent him a CD set to get him started. At the rate I’m going, with design work taking precedence, he’ll be better than me by the time they come to visit.

I went to Paris this last weekend. I visited my friend Kathryn but found myself alone all day on Sunday while she worked at her boyfriend's shop. I visited all the familiar places: Notre Dame, The Eiffel Tower, Musee' D'Orsay...I was surprised at how well I remembered the city. It's the first time I've visited since I studied there in 2003.

Overall it was a time of thinking and refreshing after the last project. I considered some of the things our project leaders said during my critiques. Through their words and my own honesty, I realized that I have been fighting my own education.

Those of you who know me well know that I really struggled with the decision of whether to come here or not, whether to get my masters in fashion or even to stay in this field of work. That same debate has raged in me here. Although I have been working hard on my projects, I have taken all the fun out of them with this internal fight. Our last project leader said to me during a critique, “Design school is the most fun part of a fashion designer’s life. If you are not having fun, you might want to rethink this.” Besides the fact that that statement is the most depressing news I've ever heard for designers, he could obviously tell that something was amiss.

This week I feel like I’m starting anew. I know there’s no way I’m backing out of this program, it’s all been paid upfront. So this internal struggle is useless. Why am I preventing myself from learning everything I can, from soaking it all up? I'm ready.

Today a new brief was assigned, and it’s a beautiful thing. The project is to design ecologically responsible product for an outdoor and sportswear company. Could it get any more perfect? Meanwhile all my classmates are groaning. One girl even said, “I’m not designing clothing for safari people!” (Although her last collection was done entirely in safari colors.)

And so the summer begins…


aen said...

so happy for you. higher education is painful, yes. but it can also be amazing. glad to hear you are letting. it. praying for you.

jessica said...

i knew there would be some girl complaining about your project!!!

equincy said...

Buongiorno filia--Come Va--Padre e bene--fantastico. Ti Amo. Ciao.