Thursday, May 17, 2007


"Peas and other minor objects" is dedicated to Pete (see blog under Petate) who always takes pictures of his plates of food before he eats them. Pete flew back to Orlando on Tuesday for a short stay. Over a month ago he rattled off to me his plan for every meal he would consume on this trip. The kid likes food, and he really misses the food back in the States. C'mon, Pete, get on the Piadine bandwagon.
I simply found this meal heavy-on-the-peas highly ridiculous and therefore picture-worthy.

This second pic is Alessia, my best good Italian friend, and I. Alessia: for the stress, the coffee breaks, and the late-night spontaneous dance's to you, cusser.

A great big public THANKS to miss ruthie fisher for the lovely package she sent me this week, which included Andrew Bird's new release "Armchair Apochrypha."
I betcha didn't know, I created almost my entire entry for the Domus competition while listening to Andrew Bird's "The Mysterious Production of Eggs." This new release seems to pack even more of a punch, and I should be able to shuffle a coupla projects out during airtime. If you don't have this album, run out and buy it right now. Or quickly point your mouse towards iTunes and purchase. That's an order, Mista!


ruthie said...

YOU ARE WELCOME my sweet. and good thing that pkg arrived. i probably couldn't swing another one with the recent postage rate increases. dang.

Pete said...

i'm behind...but great shout out...

you should have done a 'pete's top 5 food pics' entry though....but there's always next post!!

joel, maggie said...

I am so sick of looking at this big plate of peas. Please update your page :-) Plus, I kind of like reading about your life. It is so very different from mine, but equally exciting.


equincy said...

Ho Fame. Guarda Delisioza. Dumb Dad.