Thursday, June 28, 2007

This Tweek in History

(Title by Pete-za)
The mosquitoes are abundant in Milano during the summer months. There are two canals that run through Milan, and anyone who lives close to the water get hit with the bugs. I have, in the past week, had up to 40 bites at one time. They seem to attack mostly at night, and that means they can bite places they wouldn’t normally, like the bottom of my foot. Do you know what it's like to have a mosquito bite on your heel?

I noticed I was getting bit more at night. I found out Sylvana started wearing repellant to bed and using a plug-in bug killer without telling me. I went to the store to buy repellant the next day.

When we have new people in the house, the little buggers seem to attack the new blood. So come visit me in Milan! (Aren’t we great hostesses?)

The Brits live right along the canal, and they have no experience with mosquitoes in Britain. They sleep with mostquito nets over their beds like they’re in some sort of jungle. It turns out Lauren is allergic, and when she get bit they swell up the size of a tennis ball…not kidding. She takes it in good humor and references herself as the elephant woman until the swelling goes down.

Mel C, another one of the Brit’s has been doing project work at my house this week. Their loft doesn’t have a lot of work space. I, of course, was playing autopilot dj, with my ipod on shuffle. Her comment after 2 days of working together was, “Listening to your music makes me feel like I’m in an episode of Dawson’s Creek.”
Compliment? I’m not sure.

So this next week is 4th of July and we are having 4th of July at the Brits’…partly for convenience and partly for the irony. (Pete was really against the idea at first, but it was mostly because he is jealous of the male models that live next door. :)

I want to stage a revolution re-enactment, but none of the Brits have signed up. I guess volunteering their apartment for a stellar dance party will have to do. The mix? American favorites mixed with techno. Can you imagine? I can’t wait to hear Dolly Parton woven into techno. (If you have any MUST HAVE songs for the play list, swing ‘em at me.)

The party will be an all day event, Pete and I are declaring it an official holiday although we don’t have the day off. We want to bring American things to the students of Domus. We will begin with an all-day BBQ, but I'm deadset on doing other silly traditions that are out & out American. Mel C. suggests a beauty pageant. She also wants to wear a cowgirl outfit with the Union Jack. I told her to not bring that flag to this revolutionary party! In my opinion a pie eating contest or hot dog eating...anything with in order.

More later, for now Versace is calling.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

grandma says that taking a tablespoon of vinegar keeps the bugs away