Sunday, July 8, 2007

Vote now!

With all the election hype...that I'm missing...I thought I'd get in on the action by creating my own election. Please cast your votes for TQ hair of your choice. Okay, so maybe this is more on scale of American Idol rather than the American Presidential election, but remember that YOUR VOTE COUNTS! (If phone lines are busy please try back.)
Hair A

Hair B

(Yes, I realize that picture B belongs in a hair salon window. It's my "drama" shot from glamour shots Milan, if there were a glamour shots Milan.)
(Indulge me a bit, and I'll give you some substance when I have time.)


D said...

considering the perfect shape of your head - i would suggest (C) bald. but since that isn't a choice, i will vote for (A).

sorry i haven't skyped you yet - i haven't resolved the microphone issue yet (not that i've had a whole lot of time to work on it recently). but if you have time, you should hit me with the echo of death again. what can i say, i'm a glutton for punishment.

Pete said...

hahaha...can not believe the oldschoolness of pic one. throw a slap bracelet on and turn up the NKOTB.

but never expect to talk to me again.

short hair rocks

(watch out for a guy who notices head shape!)

D said...

you're right, best to leave the hair designing to the 'designers'.

TQ said...

dunno. it could be a close race. I've got two more voters, both designers, who voted 1 for A and one for B. All votes count, not just designers!

Pete, glad I didn't meet you 8 months ago. In fact, I would not have met you because your nose would have been up the air when you walked by me and my hair. Hey, did I ask you yet if you want to buy some girl scout cookies from me?

aen said...

when in the WORLD was hair A? it's going on 9 years that you have been in my life, and i cannot for the life of me, remember your hair ever being that long.

B seems more've always had trendier hairstyles, it seems more fitting.

TQ said...

Long hair was September 05. Short hair was February 07.

joel, maggie said...

I like it feminine and long. The nice thing about long hair is that if you want to do something funky and modern, you can do a crazy up-do.

But who am I to talk. I have chin-length hair right now. Although I'm trying to grow it out...such a pain.

Unknown said...

Whatever looks best with the least effort ultimately gets my vote. I've always loved long hair on you, probably because I've never been able to pull it off myself. Photo B looks really cute, but how often are you going to have the time to get ready for a glamour shot?

Mo said...

Danyelle, You have become way too practical.

Mo said...

I like the short but you know, Trish, you can pull off almost anything with the great hair you have.

FastTrakStatus said...

short. go short or go home.

ps > i deliberately inteded to keep this comment short, to reinforce the message. short as a metaphor, you know? of course this comment has ceased to be short ... there goes my metaphor.

Christina said...

boys always pick A.

Go with B--fun, flirty and oh so easy to style.

ruthie said...
