Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Those Brits

Brit saying of the day: “I’m so hungry I could eat a scabby donkey.” -Mel C.

There are four English girls in my class, all with very distinct Liverpool accents. I’ve always gotten a kick out the slang and quirky sayings that haven’t made it across the sea.
However, I never predicted that my American accent and tendencies would be such an amusement to them. “You’re so American…it’s ‘Totally’ this and ‘Totally’ that.” English Lauren laughed out loud at the way I said Official.
I guess it's not the official way.

The other day British Mel was quizzing me on Prom. I guess they don't have anything like it in Britain. "Do you really dress up in fancy dresses and go in a limousine? And is it a big deal who you you have to go with a date?" Loads of questions flowed from her mouth, probably spurred from episodes of the O.C. and other silly teenage shows that we export. I had a feeling that she wished she could go to prom too.


aen said...

did you tell them about the meatball? becauase you can't tell prom stories without recounting that experience...

equincy said...

Do the British girls realize that the boys get really excited about ordering their tux for the occasion? Love---Mom

FastTrakStatus said...

'distinct liverpool accents.' listen to you.

it's a pretty incredible feeling to instantly become a novelty for such finicky things.

have you had a chance to broach touchy subjects like beckham's big move, george bush's growing legacy, and/or the post-punk hardcore american music scene? details, please.

avalentine said...

scabby donkey???!!! that's the coolest thing I've ever heard! I have to admit, I LOVE calling people "slags" but I think its really mean.... can you check for me?