Monday, August 27, 2007

Bubby marries Bubby

I had the pleasure of being the only American accomplice to the civil wedding of Leslie and Swiss Chris Haedinger in Arbon, Switzerland. Their church wedding will be in October on the same day as my best friend's wedding so I won't get to be there, although it's only a 5-hour train ride from Milan. In Switzerland it's necessary to do both a civil wedding and a church wedding. Most people do both weddings on the same day or within a few days of one another, but they did their civil wedding early for visa purposes...gotta get Swiss Chris to the States by November.
This "get-away vehicle" took the newlyweds (and the rest of us) across the border to Germany for din din.

This is how the Swiss do it up.

"Cin Cin!" as Italians would say.

That flower was edible, and I ate it.


equincy said...

Your pix of the Swiss Chris/Leslie wedding were wonderful! I bet it was a fun wedding and din din looked delicious and pretty-----wonderful tablesetting, etc! Congrats to the happy couple! Love---Mom!

equincy said...

Oh, and I loved your pix with the bride----------sooooo good to see you! Love---Mom!

Crystal said...

Yeah for Leslie and Swish Chris! My love was with them all last week, and I am glad to hear they will be coming back to the warmest place on earth.

Love love!