Thursday, August 2, 2007

Tea Time

I'm in Scarborough in the north of England with my friend Lauren this week. (see above)
It's my first time in an English-speaking country in 8 months, but I still find myself learning new words. Here's some new vocab for you and yours
BINGO WINGS: the extra flab under a woman's arm that shakes when you raises her arm to yell "bingo!"
DINNER LADY'S ARMS: refers to the same area as bingo wings, good eats bring treats
WELL GOOD: it's not just good, and it's not just well, it's "well good" or very good
WELL BAD: it's not just bad, it's "well bad"
TURRAH: goodbye, commonly used in the sequence "Turrah, love."

1 comment:

FastTrakStatus said...

hey, bro. the photo of your mug was timely enough to capture a drip of tea/coffee/fluid falling into your cup. that is all.